Pregnancy Brain
You think you're doing ok. You go along, happy go lucky, la la la...
And then you realize--your brain has stopped functioning.
Case in point: My group at work has a staff meeting every other Thursday at 8:30. This has been the case for the 2 1/2 years I've been working here. I never missed one. Since I've been pregnant (less than 4 months), I've missed two. Both times I was taking my time getting to work, chatting with people when I got there, putting my lunch in the refrigerator, etc, etc... when I suddenly realize none of my coworkers are around and the conference room door is closed. I sheepishly walk into the meeting 30 minutes late, blushing and mumbling "Sorry."
This week I made sure to make it to the meeting on time. I was feeling very pleased with myself for remembering and being prepared.
But after the meeting I went to the cafeteria for a late second breakfast involving bacon. (I was hungry, ok?) I chatted with the very nice grill cook, then walked out with my food. I was halfway back to my desk when I realized I HADN'T PAID! Gaaah.
Pregnancy brain. Where will it strike next?