Redneck's Wife
From email--Great tip!
Tip of the day:
Always keep several get well cards on the mantle......
so if unexpected guests arrive,
they'll think you've been sick
and unable to clean.
I like it. Though maybe being pregnant is enough of an excuse right now.
Comment spam
This is new for me, though I've seen lots of complaints from other bloggers about it. I don't get that many comments, so I was surprised to find a giant long comment about some company's stock:
St0ck For Your Review - FCPGand on it goes for pages.
So annoying! I have no idea what to do to stop this. Anyone have suggestions?
George W. Bush conspiracy
Just found this
George W. Bush conspiracy generator. You can choose your own elements or generate it randomly.
Here's mine:
George W. Bush rigged the 2000 election so that big corporations, the Jews, oil companies, and Republicans could kill minorities.
Wow, swear I've heard someone actually say that.
My only complaint is they don't have the Saudi royal family, Haliburton or Enron as possible conspirators.
Thanks to
Dizzy Girl for the link.