Subject line: It's has been a pleasure to work here at(The Company)
Friday June 3, 2005 will be my last day at (The Company) because I was offered a full time position at a startup company. There are so many people I know here and I’m sure I won't be able to personally say bye to all, so I can only say it with this email.
It's been a pleasure to work with people that I have gotten to known in a short period. I've once again had the pleasure to work with an awesome team of individuals who are dedicated, to get frustrated problems solved in a timely matter! I've stepped on a few toes or you thought I insulted you, for that I apologize, but business is business and you do what it takes to get the job done.
I truly have enjoyed working with all of you. This site has a great crew of people and departments to interface with and you all have supported me well.
I hope my replacement will be able to take the bull by the horns and run with it to get the job done.
I'm sure I will stop by in the future to say hi to all the ones I you haven't totally gotten rid of me.
Happy Holidays!
I married the rarest of creatures, a genuine redneck who was born and raised in the liberal San Francisco Bay Area. I'm a technophile married to a technophobe.