Work, Hormones, and Harry Potter
It's been a little while since I last wrote, so here's a status report.
I had a great week last week at work, doing a
Kaizen event improving the HR staffing process. I think we really made some good changes in the process, and I always enjoy working with the team I'm on. For those of you who may not remember, this is the same team I spent a week with in Georgia earlier this year. I think partly because of the fact we were locked in a room together for a week at that plant in Georgia, we always work well together, and have a lot of fun. I really wish my job was normally as interesting, but anyway, can't have everything.
I'm feeling the baby move a lot, and actually seeing little bumps on my belly when s/he moves. I tried to show these to Erick, but he was kind of freaked out by it. I guess it seemed like an alien or something. When I tried to reassure him that it's just a baby, he said "but how do we
I've been really tired, and my emotions have been all over the map. I go from irritation to anger to tears, all within a few hours (sometimes minutes). This has been challenging, not just for me, but for those who are around me a lot. Erick and I have been getting along great, he's been really supportive and understanding.
My mother-in-law, with whom I usually get along quite well, has told me that my personality has completely changed, and that I should talk to my doctor about getting some medication. Of course, if my personality really
had completely changed, I would think my husband would notice, and he says he thinks I'm doing fine. In his words, "You just take less crap now."
Hmm. Well, I'm trying to control my reactions better. Mom-in-law is a world class worrier, and that has been getting on my nerves, so I think she's gotten the brunt of my hormonal impatience lately.
I could be wrong, but I really don't think it's so unusual for pregnant women to be more emotional, and I don't think it's time to start popping Prozac.
So anyway, this weekend I did hardly anything. I slept a lot, and since the new Harry Potter book came on Saturday, and Erick played a wedding in San Francisco on Sunday, I spent most of the day reading. I finished the book Sunday night about 6.
Yep, all 652 pages.
I really liked the book, though it was a bit of a cliffhanger, and now I have to wait another year(maybe?) to find out what happens in the end. I won't go into too much detail, since I don't want to spoil it for anyone. If you liked the previous books, you'll like this one, and the ending will surprise you.
Well, that's all for now. Back to work.