I've been hearing for some time about a nesting instinct that kicks in towards the end of pregnancy. I guess for most people it involves decorating the nursery and frenzied housecleaning.
For me, it's cooking. To be specific, cooking and freezing things. A friend gave me an article a while back that suggested cooking a little extra at each meal and freezing the leftovers so you don't have to worry about cooking for a while after the baby comes. Well, that had been knocking around in my head for a month or so, and finally I started doing it. So far, I've frozen split pea soup, homemade turkey burgers (I like to mix in eggs, worcestire sauce, oatmeal and various veggies in with the ground turkey, this time it was tomatoes, onions and bell peppers), a loaf of bananna bread, and two bags of cherry tomatoes. The cherry tomatoes work out well, since you can just pour out the amount you need and cook with them. I have so doggone many of those things growing in my backyard right now that there's no way I could eat them all.
Anyway, I've been a freezing fiend for a few days. I know that people will bring us meals, but still, it will be nice to have all this stuff pre-made.
Erick is making fun of me, though.