Unwelcome Visitor In the corner of our bedroom ceiling. Hasn't moved yet, but not I'm not sure what we're going to do about it yet. I'm usually not that scared of spiders, I just squish them, but this one's long, barbed-looking legs really freak me out. Ick! Not something you want to see when you first wake up.
¶ 10:17 AM
Take a clear drinking glass and a firm piece of paper or card stock. Get a chair to stand on (or maybe get Erick to do it, given your condition?), place the glass over the spider, slip the paper between the ceiling and the glass, and then take the spider outside and wish it well...
I married the rarest of creatures, a genuine redneck who was born and raised in the liberal San Francisco Bay Area. I'm a technophile married to a technophobe.