Cat in the cradle
I brought home a bassinet, borrowed from Cindy, and look who thinks it's his new home: Not for long, kitty!
¶ 8:18 PM
Oh boy!
Our kitty tries to climb into my lap (well, onto the Boppy pillow) when I'm nursing Bug. He's having a hard time adjusting to the fact that I don't have as much free time (not to mention free hands) to lavish attention on him! :(
When the baby is born, see if the nursing staff will give you the first little cap they put on the baby so your husband can take it home to kitty (to let him smell it). We did that, I think it might have helped our kitty for the arrival of Bug. Once we got home, kitty hardly seemed to take notice of him. Except when he started screaming... ;)
I married the rarest of creatures, a genuine redneck who was born and raised in the liberal San Francisco Bay Area. I'm a technophile married to a technophobe.